Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Best Day.

You know, I've never had a "best day of my life" before. I've had great times, great memories, all that stuff, but when I thought about what day would be the "best," nothing came specifically to mind.

It wasn't until yesterday that I realized that I finally have one... and I honestly don't think that it will be replaced for a long time. I won't explain it all... too much of it was perfect to fit in a blog post. But yeah, talking while sitting next to him on the dock with our feet in the water when it hit me that I just wanted to be where I was forever. And then when I scraped the mayonnaise off his chicken sandwiches... which for some reason just made him so happy. And then just sitting next to him at the pool, eating sunflower seeds, talking sporadically but mostly just sitting there. And then, of course, later in the night when I told him I loved him and knew for absolute certainty that I meant what I said 100%.

And yeah, it was the best day ever. Straight up.