Monday, March 17, 2008

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

I had the oddest experience earlier today. A little background info is required, though.

A couple of months ago, I had a dream that I was in class. In the midst of class, I remembered that I was supposed to be on vacation and that I was certain I had gone to sleep in my bed at home the night before. This dream still felt 100% real, but the only way I could explain the strange turn of events was that I was, in fact, dreaming. I turned to a girl in my class and told her this. She looked at me like I was crazy and I felt a little crazy myself considering I still felt like I was awake. Then I closed my eyes really tight and forced myself awake. Lo and behold, I woke up in my bed at home.

Tonight I was taking a test… a very long test that had me spaced out entirely and in a bit of a dream world. I circled the wrong answer (with my pencil… pencil kicks pen’s butt anytime), but when I went to erase it, it wouldn’t erase. I tried my eraser on other pencil marks and that worked just fine. I was about to just move on when I had the exact same realization that I had a couple of months ago. The only way to explain pencil marks that WON’T erase seemed to be that I was dreaming. So I sat there for a few moments with no idea if I was awake or asleep. I thought about asking someone, but in addition to not wanting to embarrass myself if I was awake, it wouldn’t have done any good if I was asleep. After performing a couple of reality checks (trying to wake up, seeing if I could rearrange letters on a page, etc.) I determined that I must be awake. And I was. But for probably half an hour after, I still had a weird, nagging feeling that perhaps I was asleep after all.

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