Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Change in pace...

So, those of you that know me (which is anyone who would read this...) know that during November I always participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where you write a novel in a month.

This month, I was going to write about a group who starts a revolution just for the heck of it. It was going to be an interesting study on society, change, apathy, and groupthink. Instead, it just turned quite quickly into crap. And five days in, I already hated it more than anything else. It was worse than my novel in a day. So I decided to start over.

One problem. Zero ideas. I knew I needed to start over, but I had no idea what to do. So I was going to the bathroom when suddenly I had a character and a starting scene in my mind. He even came with a name. Eric was drunk and being thrown out of a bar because they wouldn't serve drunks.

So I took it and ran. I'm only 1775 words into this new story, but so far, Eric is an alcoholic who can't find a good job and is trying to support his wife. He goes home, they get into an argument, he shoves her, and she tells him that she's pregnant and leaving. Poor Eric!

But yeah, I'm liking this story a lot better. Eric is a lot more in depth than any of the characters from my other novel. Anna, Peter, Edward, and Carleigh, you guys can just rot!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

you're pretty much amazing kt; i don't know how you do it...