Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's everywhere!

So, um... Brit Lit before 1800 is stalking me. Today I went to a church I hadn't been to before. The pastor speaking was named Faust. Not only that, but he talked about Mystery Plays at the beginning of the service. I kept turning to my friend and saying, "I know about this! They had plays from all the major Bible stories! They would perform them all year long! They had a special order!" I got weird looks. Anyway, the whole sermon was then about the fall of man, and the whole time I was thinking, "CONVULTED SYNTAX!!! The fall of man equals the fall of reason! Paradise Lost!" It was sad. I went to church and studied for Brit Lit.


(err)in life said...

that's just plain creepy...

Melissa said...

so i found a template that is hobbit themed... you may like it... :)