Monday, April 28, 2008

It's not fair.

I hate the phrase "It's not fair." It's stupid. It doesn't solve anything. Of course life isn't fair, but somehow we only comment upon the unfairness when it works against us. I try my best to not use it.

But I can't do anything else in this case. One of the guys who got in the wreck died this morning. It was the guy I didn't know, but I'm still crying. And I just think of him and his youth and his family and how it's not fair. And I feel like I can't even comprehend what has just happened... it just doesn't make logical sense. And I feel so bad for my friends who were close to him... in the car with him... and I realize that it could have been them that died... and I would be in the position that they are in now...

And it's not fair. And life isn't fair. And life doesn't make sense. And sometimes I wonder if it ever will. But then I realize it can't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i started to leave a comment, then it turned into a blog post...